The factory for the production of top-quality exclusive glassware
with sophisticated designs and shapes
The Velikodvoriye glass factory is a modern business featuring high-performance European equipment with a diverse infrastructure.
The manufacturing capacity of the factory is 200 million glassware products per year.
The core activity of the factory is the production of top quality exclusive colourless glassware with sophisticated designs and shapes. The company manufactures more than 150 types of products, primarily glass bottles.
The transparency of the glass is achieved due to the level of colouring materials being less than 0.05%. The additional treatment of glass surfaces — the application of a protective and strengthening coating (upstream the annealing surface in the Glass Chet Hecst hot spraying unit (Germany), downstream at the furnace — in the GlassChem cold spraying unit (Germany), which ensures integrity of the glass containers during transportation and filling.
The factory uses only natural products and produces only environmentally safe products, which are distinguished by their high level of water and chemical resistance, considerable strength, and ideal geometric shapes.
The quality and safety management system for the manufactured products has been implemented, certified, and successfully operates at the factory in compliance with the requirements of the International Standards of ISO 9000, 22000 series, and НАССР principles.
The production site has a railway line, a waste glass sorting and storage site, storage premises for finished products, offices, and amenities.
The factory’s development strategy is aimed at increasing the volume of glass container production including that of exclusive designs and shapes while maintaining and improving the quality of manufactured products.